Five Ways to Make an Unforgettable First Impression

You’re in a job interview or networking with new potential contacts so you want to make a great first impression. Here are some tips on getting there.  

1. Know & Understand the Context
Whether you’re interviewing at a bank or going on a date, understanding the context is essential. For example, if you’re trying to get the bank job, you need to dress in a suit, handle yourself confidently, and speak appropriately. The conversation style you select for a job interview will be entirely different than what is needed on a casual dinner date.

Preparing talking points to match the context will need some research. You want to showcase your knowledge and demonstrate your strategic planning abilities. Ideally the points will crop up during the discussion but if not then say something like “Before we leave, there are a few points I would like to make.”

2. Be Aware & Take Control of your Body Language
It’s easier said than done as most of us are not even aware of what we do to exhibit our anxiety or nervousness. One idea is to find a friend to interview you then use your phone to take a video of yourself. Observe how you gesture or sit as you might unknowingly move unnaturally to relieve your stress level. A few tips include taking long strides, sitting up straight, and walking with your chest held high. Assuming simple poses can increase your confidence level. Making eye contact can also help but don’t overdo it as it can also be seen as aggressive behavior.

3. Courteous, Attentive & Positive
Your attitude reflects through in everything you do and say so take the time to incorporate a positive one. Maintaining a polite and attentive behavior will also reflect a more positive first impression. Turn off your cell phone or other high-tech gadgets that easily distract and draws attention away from the moment. You want to be present and physically demonstrate to the person that you are there listening to them. They should be your number one priority and concern. Anything less than 100 percent of your time is sending the message that you just don’t care about them. Also steer away from telling them you need to make other calls or someone else needs you. Again, it just sends the message you do not care.

4. Find Common Ground
A good way to build rapport is to find commonality. The bond does not need to be profound, but it does need to be sincere and genuine. Creating a connection on a human level will often lead to trust and positive feelings. If you are meeting someone in their office or space, glance quickly around looking at photos or anything personal. Even if it’s as simple as saying “I also owned a black lab and they are wonderful pets” can lead to some amazing conversations. While you may not want to focus too much time on building a common connection, it will allow for some spontaneity and good feelings that can carry into your business conversation.

5. Be Genuine & Sincere

Being yourself is important to being genuine and sincere. People may not be able to articulate their negative feelings towards you but if you think about how people react to car salesmen this becomes apparent. When you consider what turns you off, it probably is the feeling that someone is reading off of a script or not really listening to you or being honest with you. If someone you are trying to impress mentions a movie or a sports team that you don’t like, you don’t need to lie about your feelings about it. More than likely those feelings you have might be coming through in your body language which is already making a bad impression. Don’t be afraid to be yourself because being human is typically a sure way to find that commonality you need to make a great impression.